
The Celts were polytheistic, each tribe has its own particular local deities and cults as well as those that were worshiped more widely. Among the hundreds of Gods and Goddesses that are known by name, interestingly, there are many female divinities such as Epona, Cernunnus, Sullus, Belenus, Camulos, Deae Matres (mother goddesse, Lug, Sucellos, Taranis, Silvanus, Rosmereta
The worship of natural phenomena such as water, sky, mountains, trees, and earth was common in Celtic life. Because of their medicinal and healing attributes, water deities were commonly worshiped in Celtic groups.
A abundance of votive offerings have been found in wells, rivers, springs, where the Celts threw them offerings to the gods. E.g. Aquae Sulis in England
Animals were also of great significance due to their speed, strength, ferocity and cunning. Favored animals include
'...A great amount of gold has been deposited as a dedication to the god, and not a native of the country ever touches it because of its religious scruple, although the Celts are and exceedingly covetous people.'
- Diodorus Siculus, 5.27.4
Objects were not the only given items to the gods, but also human sacrifices in honor of their gods.
'They used to strike a human being, whom they had devoted to death, in the back with a sword and then divine his death-struggle. But they would not sacrifice without the Druids...' - Strabo Geography, 4.4.5
The worship of natural phenomena such as water, sky, mountains, trees, and earth was common in Celtic life. Because of their medicinal and healing attributes, water deities were commonly worshiped in Celtic groups.
A abundance of votive offerings have been found in wells, rivers, springs, where the Celts threw them offerings to the gods. E.g. Aquae Sulis in England
Animals were also of great significance due to their speed, strength, ferocity and cunning. Favored animals include
- boars
- stags
- hares
- birds
- and horses
'...A great amount of gold has been deposited as a dedication to the god, and not a native of the country ever touches it because of its religious scruple, although the Celts are and exceedingly covetous people.'
- Diodorus Siculus, 5.27.4
Objects were not the only given items to the gods, but also human sacrifices in honor of their gods.
'They used to strike a human being, whom they had devoted to death, in the back with a sword and then divine his death-struggle. But they would not sacrifice without the Druids...' - Strabo Geography, 4.4.5
Role of the Druids:
The Druids were and important priestly caste in Celtic society. Not much is known of them because they kept their rites secret. The Druids also passed on knowledge from person to person and generally did not commit anything to writing. Therefore, most of their secrets died with them. What we know comes from sources such as Caesar and Tacitus. '...officiate at the worship off gods, regulate public and private sacrifices, and give rukings on all religious questions' - Caesar, Gallic war, 6.13 They were: