Personalities of the Celts
In stature she was very tall, in appearance most terrifying, in the glance of her eye most fierce, and her voice was harsh; a great mass of the tawniest hair fell to her hips.
- Cassius Dio, Roman historian
- The Annals by Tacitus, IV, 31
In stature she was very tall, in appearance most terrifying, in the glance of her eye most fierce, and her voice was harsh; a great mass of the tawniest hair fell to her hips.
- Cassius Dio, Roman historian
- -Queen of the Iceni Tribe
- -Married to Prasytagus, was the King of the Iceni tribe
- -Had 2 daughters with the king
- -Suuccessfully attacked the towns of Colchester, London and St Albans, and burnt and pillaged everything i that stood before her.
- -The causes of of her revolt are accounted by Tacitus in Annals, IV, 31
- The Annals by Tacitus, IV, 31

- Gallic Chieftan
- Attepmted to destroy roman expansion but failed, but non the less, his enemy Julius Caesar acknowleges him as being a great warrior
- He was a nobleman of the Arverni tribe who tried to unite all the Gallic tribes to form a cohesive opposition to Caesar.
- used the 'scorched earth' policy, he burnt all tribal towns except for Avaricum as he was convinced to let it thrive, being that it was the finest in Gaul. This method had some gdegree of success as Caesar writes of having problems in supplying his men.
- Caesar eventually captured Avaricum, but failed in obtaining the stronghold of Gergovia.
It came down to the final showdown between the 2 and their respective forces at arms at the fort of Alesia. The Romans surrounded the gallic army who lied inside the fort and the Gallic army then surrounded Caesar's army, finding himself the besieger and the besieged.
Although Caesar was outnumbered, with the Gallic army 350,000 men strong, Casar manage to succed and Vercingetorix suffered a gruesome death after being taken prisnor.
- Gallic Chieftan
- Attepmted to destroy roman expansion but failed, but non the less, his enemy Julius Caesar acknowleges him as being a great warrior
- He was a nobleman of the Arverni tribe who tried to unite all the Gallic tribes to form a cohesive opposition to Caesar.
- used the 'scorched earth' policy, he burnt all tribal towns except for Avaricum as he was convinced to let it thrive, being that it was the finest in Gaul. This method had some gdegree of success as Caesar writes of having problems in supplying his men.
- Caesar eventually captured Avaricum, but failed in obtaining the stronghold of Gergovia.
It came down to the final showdown between the 2 and their respective forces at arms at the fort of Alesia. The Romans surrounded the gallic army who lied inside the fort and the Gallic army then surrounded Caesar's army, finding himself the besieger and the besieged.
Although Caesar was outnumbered, with the Gallic army 350,000 men strong, Casar manage to succed and Vercingetorix suffered a gruesome death after being taken prisnor.
Cassivellaunus was a historical British chieftain who led the defence against Julius Caesar's second expedition to Britain in 54 BC. He led an alliance of tribes against Roman forces, but eventually surrendered after his location was revealed to Caesar by defeated Britons. Caesar tells us that Cassivellaunus had previously been at frequent war with the British tribes, and had overthrown the king of the Trinovantes, the most powerful tribe in Britain at the time. The king's son, Mandubracius, fled to Caesar in Gaul. Despite Cassivellaunus's harrying tactics, designed to prevent Caesar's army from foraging and plundering for food, Caesar advanced to the Thames. The only fordable point was defended and fortified with sharp stakes, but the Romans managed to cross it. Cassivellaunus dismissed most of his army and resorted to guerilla tactics, relying on his knowledge of the territory and the speed of his chariots. hi |